How to Apply & Swap Out Red Aspen Nails

There’s something about having my nails done, I feel put together and polished. The problem is I ever seem to have the time to get them done! Making an appointment, sitting to have them done, and then going back to have them redone two weeks later just never seems realistic in my busy life. I’ve damaged my nails in the past by picking off the gel or acrylic because one broke and I just couldn’t get back to have them fixed.

But about 6 months ago, stuck at home, I tried Red Aspen nails. I honestly did not expect a lot…how good can press on nails really be? Well I was WRONG!!! These are not the press-on nails of the 80’s… the technology has come a long way.

These nails are thinner at the cuticle end so they look, feel, and grow out looking natural! The quality lasts and the nails can be reused, plus everything you need comes in the kit. Glue, nail file, cuticle pusher, and best of all 24 different nails so you are sure to find the perfect fit for your unique nails - all for $13-$15!

How To Apply:

Make sure your nails are very dry, don’t wash right before!!

Lay out the nails that fit each finger, each set comes with 24 nails so tons to choose from as well as a file, glue and cuticle pusher. You want the nails when pressed flat to just cover the nails but not be too wide and touch the skin. If too big they won’t bond as well.

Once you figure out your sizes the process is so fast for applying future sets, about 5 minutes start to finish!

Use the pink side of the file to lightly rough up the nail to give the nail the best surface to bond to! Then push back the cuticles and remove any dust or dirt with an alcohol pad or polish remover.

To apply, put one dot of glue on your nail, then use the tip of the glue tube to spread it around. You don’t need a ton! Then put another small dot of glue on the nail and do the same. The glue locks with glue for a strong hold.

Then, making sure the thin, curved side of the nail is closest to your cuticle, press down and hold for 30 seconds! YES, 30 seconds each nail to really set that glue.

About 5 minutes start to finish and you have a gorgeous new set of nails that you can do at home, in the passenger seat, or while watching kids at practice. For busy ladies that’s PRICELESS!

When you want to swap them out, no need to wait 2 weeks for an appointment or drive to a salon, you can safely remove the nails at home in just a few minutes too! I love that I can let my nails breath for a day if I choose (which you can’t do at a salon) and I can swap them out as often as I want and am not tied to one color or mix for 2 weeks or longer!

How To Safely and Quickly Remove or Change Out Your New Nails ❤🥰

When you are ready to swap out your nails, use a shallow dish and add a generous amount of any grease fighting dish soap. Next, add just a bit of warm water, enough to mix it around. Then soak your nails for 3-5 minutes. Using the cuticle pusher that came with your set, lightly lift up between the Red Aspen nail and your nail around the edges. If it’s still stuck, don’t force it - just soak a few more minutes or add a drop of cuticle oil around the edges. That will help break down the glue. A flosser is also a great trick to slide under and pop off the loosened nail without damaging your nail.

I finish by lightly sanding off any excess glue on my nail with the file and then cover with a little vitamin E or cuticle oil. I let my nails “breathe” for a few hours or up to 24 hours, then pick a new fun set and reapply. 🥰 That’s something you just can’t do at the salon and I really think it makes a difference to keep your nails healthy and strong!!

The nails I removed I let soak a bit longer in the soapy water, then I dry them off and use the file to sand off any excess glue and store in a little craft bead case to use for another day.

As you start swapping out and having fun with mixed manicures you will have extra nails, as well as glue and files. This is the best way I’ve found to easily organize them to make reapplying and reusing as quick and easy as possible! The cases are inexpensive and work like a charm! 🙌❤ Plus, reusing and mixing sets allows you to get tons of use and value out of each set you purchase.

I hope this was helpful! ❤🥰👇 If you have any questions I’m happy to help in the comments. I have been wearing these for months and could not love them more!


  • Ann

    I’m replying to Cindy, who’s having trouble getting the nail off? My nails are a mess from years of gel manis. They are getting better. The soaking removal never works for me because my nails are so thin. I soak a cotton in acetone and use the Olive and June removal things. The nails melt away. You can’t reuse them, obviously, but I’m slowly rehabbing my nails.

  • Helena

    I have peeling nails and did dip nails for years. Removed and waited almost 6 mos before trying Aspen Nails. Each time I remove some of my natural nails are damaged. Last set was on almost 3wks and still would not come off easily using instructions (soaking, more soaking, vit E oil etc). I’ve been using the nail glue from the website, not the one included in there box of nails.
    Will soaking in polish remover help? I would like some possible alternatives. Thx!

  • Cindy

    I’ve gotten glue squish out from under the nail and get on my fingers doing the pressing so now I have glue stuck to the top of some of the nails. I’ve tried the non acetone nail polish remover but that did nothing. I"ve buffed with the pink side of the nail file (suggested by someone else). All that did was make the nail dull and ugly. How do I get the glue off the top of the dash and restore the shine that was removed?

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